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2005 Pontiac G6 Base 4dr Sedan

2005 Pontiac G6
Trim Info:
Front Wheel Drive, 4 Door Sedan, Compact
22 mpg city / 32 mpg hwy
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June 24, 2013, 6:46 am

Tsai T

Question: Theres a leak and I don't know why.

It's been about 3 days now and for some reason my car keeps leaking some type of liquid and I'm worried. It has been raining for the past few days and I did drive in a flood, I don't know if water got stuck or something but I don't know if it's water or oil and I'm not too sure where its coming from. The leak is coming from under the car way way at the back from the front of the car. Should I go get it checked out? and if I do, my car doesn't need to get aparted does it?

April 21, 2014, 5:07 pm

Louis H

After driving the car to get all the fluids hot, park the car, place a large piece of cardboard under the car where it is leaking on the ground. Wait 30 minutes to an hour, then check the color of the liquid that was left on the cardboard. Orange or green is antifreeze. Red or reddish brown is transmission fluid. Black or tan is motor oil. Clear is water condensation from the air conditioner, which is normal. Clear could be gasoline. Smell it to be sure. Clear could be new brake fluid. Tan or black could be older brake fluid. If it is way back behind the drivers seat, it is gasoline, brake fluid or black differential fluid.

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