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2004 Chevrolet Tahoe LS 4dr 1500

2004 Chevrolet Tahoe
Trim Info:
Rear Wheel Drive, 4 Door
16 mpg city / 19 mpg hwy
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June 17, 2018, 7:07 pm

Ronnie S

Question: surging while driving

Fuel Pump has been replaced a year ago, same problem then and it has returned now.. have diagnostics ran and there is no code to see.. have checked for an inline filter and there is none.. hoping someone can lead me to another area to check... Thank You, by the way, 150,000 miles on it

Ronnie Sloan


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By Zach Bowman For those who suffer a daily commute through heavy traffic, your vehicle's braking system can bring thousands of pounds of metal, plastic and empty Starbucks cups to a stop hundreds of times before you get to work. It goes without saying that these pieces wear out, but they do so slowly, meaning you may not notice they need attention until ...

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