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2003 Dodge Dakota Base 2dr Reg Cab 112 WB

2003 Dodge Dakota
Trim Info:
Rear Wheel Drive, Reg Cab 6'5" Bed
15 mpg city / 21 mpg hwy
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November 6, 2009, 1:09 pm

Jim M

Question: can not set clock

when following the manuals direction the diplay says clock not available

March 15, 2010, 9:40 pm

Steven T

This same problem also seems to apply to the 2008 Mitsubishi Raider that I own. This has happened to me twice now. The first time, the clock went on "vacation" and came back about a week later and while it was gone, pressing the "Time" button on the radio would only cause a message "Clock not Available" to be displayed. The clock came back for a while but now it is gone again and has not come back for over two weeks. This almost seems like an engineering joke on the part of the manufacturers of the stereo equipment for Dodge and Mitsubishi vehicles. The manufacturer had to have known there were bugs in the radio unit, otherwise he/she would not have programmed the message "Clock Not Available". So if the designer knew that there would be times when that message would need to be displayed, why doesn't Dodge or Mitsubishi have a solution?

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